Sweet Sunshine In A Jar: A Delectable Mango Jam Recipe

There's something irresistibly delightful about spreading homemade jam on warm toast or fresh biscuits, especially when it's bursting with the sweet, tropical flavor of mangoes. Making your own mango jam is not only satisfying but also allows you to capture the essence of summer in a jar.
Whether you're a seasoned jam maker or a novice in the kitchen, this recipe will guide you through the process of creating a delectable mango jam that will brighten up your breakfast table or make a thoughtful homemade gift for friends and family.
Embrace the luscious sweetness of ripe mangoes with this easy-to-follow recipe that transforms simple ingredients into a flavorful spread that can be enjoyed year-round.

The Essence Of Mango

Mangoes, often hailed as the "king of fruits," are beloved for their juicy flesh and vibrant flavor. Originating from tropical regions, mangoes come in a variety of cultivars, each with its own unique taste and texture. From the creamy richness of the Alphonso mango to the tangy sweetness of the Tommy Atkins, there's a mango variety to suit every palate.

When selecting mangoes for jam-making, opt for ripe fruit that yields slightly to gentle pressure and emits a fragrant aroma. Ripe mangoes will be easier to peel and chop, and their natural sweetness will shine through in the finished  jam.


  • 2 lbs (about 1 kg) ripe mangoes, peeled and diced
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)


Prepare The Mangoes: Begin by peeling the mangoes and removing the flesh from the pit. Cut the mango flesh into small, uniform chunks, discarding any fibrous bits.

Cook The Mangoes: In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine the diced mangoes, granulated sugar, and lemon juice. Stir the mixture gently to coat the mangoes in sugar.

Heat Over Medium Heat: Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mango mixture to a gentle boil, stirring occasionally to dissolve the sugar. As the mixture heats up, the mangoes will release their natural juices, creating a fragrant aroma that fills the kitchen.

Simmer And Thicken: Once the mixture reaches a boil, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer gently. Allow the mangoes to cook down until they are soft and tender, and the mixture has thickened to a jam-like consistency. This process typically takes about 30-40 minutes, depending on the ripeness of the mangoes and desired thickness of the jam.

Test For Doneness: To check if the jam is ready, place a small amount on a chilled plate and let it cool for a few seconds. If the jam sets and wrinkles when pushed with your finger, it is done. If it is still runny, continue to simmer the mixture and test again after a few minutes.

Add Optional Flavor: For an extra layer of flavor, stir in a teaspoon of vanilla extract during the last few minutes of cooking. The vanilla enhances the natural sweetness of the mangoes and adds depth to the jam.

Cool And Jar: Once the mango jam has reached the desired consistency, remove it from the heat and let it cool slightly. Transfer the jam to clean, sterilized jars, leaving a bit of headspace at the top. Seal the jars tightly with lids.

Enjoy And Share: Allow the mango jam to cool completely before refrigerating. As it cools, the jam will continue to thicken. Spread it generously on toast, swirl it into yogurt, or use it as a filling for pastries. Share the joy of homemade mango jam with friends and family, or save it for moments when you need a taste of sunshine in the midst of winter.


Making mango jam at home is a delightful culinary adventure that allows you to capture the essence of summer in a jar. With just a few simple ingredients and some patience, you can create a delicious spread that will brighten up your breakfasts and bring a smile to your face with every bite. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with your favorite baked goods, homemade mango jam is a true testament to the sweet abundance of nature's bounty. So roll up your sleeves, gather your ripest mangoes, and embark on a journey to preserve the flavors of the season in a jar of golden goodness.


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